Assalammualaikum w.b.t.

For the first post I would share with the readers about Malaysia's deadly force which is Grup Gerak Khas (GGK).

The Grup Gerak Khas is a brigade sized formation that acts as the command element which coordinates and deploys the 3 special forces battalions of the Malaysian Army. They conduct special operations missions for the Malaysian government, such as direct action, unconventional warfare, sabotage, counter-terrorism, and intelligence gathering. It is the administrative and operational group to which the 3 regiments of the Rejimen Gerak Khas and its supporting units are subordinated.

21 Gerup Gerak Khas is commanded by a Brigadier General and is currently located at Iskandar Camp, in Mersing, Johor. 21 Gerup Gerak Khas comprises commandos highly trained in special warfare and able to conduct unconventional warfare in any of its forms – Guerrilla/Anti-Guerrilla Warfare, escape and evasion, Subversion, Sabotage, Counter Terrorism, Asymmetric warfare and their most highly regarded expertise – Jungle Warfare.

The UK Special Forces including the Special Air Service and the Royal Marines 40 Commando made a significant impact while assisting the Malaysian Armed Forces during the Indonesian Confrontation. British, Australian and New Zealand Special Air Service troops made daring cross-border deterrence Claret missions. Royal Marine Commandos help put down the rebellion in Brunei. The experience of such units convinced the Malaysian Minister of Defence of the usefulness of such special forces and he directed the formation of such units within the Malaysian Army.

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